Q. How much does Brazen Martial Arts cost?
A. We first invite all new students to take TWO FREE trial classes to see if they are interested in what we have to offer. After the two free trial classes if the schedule works for you and we think you’ll be a good fit for our community membership cost depends on the program you enroll in:
- Kid’s Early Start FUNdamentals (3-5 years old) – $175/month (up to 3 classes/week)
- Kid’s Martial Arts (6-13 years old) – $200/month (up to 5 classes/week)
- Adult Fitness – $150/month (up to 5 classes/week)
- Adult Striking/MMA – $150/month (up to 5 classes/week)
- Adult BJJ – $175/month (up to 10 classes/week)
- Adult Unlimited (Fitness, Striking/MMA, BJJ) – $200/month (up to 15 classes/week)
Q. What should I wear?
A. You should dress comfortably in shorts/yoga pants and a t-shirt. Please make sure not to have zippers, snaps, or buttons on your clothing as these can rip the mats or scratch your training partners. Make sure your fingernails and toenails are trimmed short. Good hygiene is a critical component to good training. Please make sure you are clean and that your deodorant is refreshed from the day before arriving to class.
Q. What equipment do I need?
A. For your two free trial classes we will loan you any gear you might need. It is important to us that you have the opportunity to really try everything before making any investments. After you’ve joined you’ll be expected to purchase your own gear over time. We sell all equipment in house, but if you’d like to purchase elsewhere that is okay. Some places sell cheap gear that can cause risk of injury, and so for that reason we just ask that if you plan to buy from an outside source that you show it to Coach Garry beforehand so he can verify that it is safe.
Q. Do you charge a registration fee?
A. No, we do not.
Q. What do you charge for promotions?
A. Nothing.
Q. Will the cost of my membership ever change?
A. No. We appreciate your loyalty. Provided you do not cancel your membership and rejoin at a later date you will keep the rate you sign up at for as long as you’re with us.
Q. How long is a membership contract?
A. We do not do contracts. We require 1 month’s notice to terminate your membership. We want you to want to be in class. If something happens and you no longer wish to attend we don’t believe a signed contract should force your attendance. We do offer ‘Pay In Full’ discounts. Pay In Full memberships are cheaper than month-to-month memberships, but they are for a set period of time (6 months – 1 year) and are non-refundable if you decide to cancel early.